January 06, 2015
by Diana Greenwald | Filed in: Conferences
As interest in the links between the arts and economics grows, so does the number of conferences dedicated to this topic. Sara Mitchell—a doctoral student in Economics at Trinity College Dublin—and Jane Mahony—a doctoral student in English also at TCD—both attended Genius for Sale!
in May. They are responding to Genius for Sale! speakers’ call for continued interdisciplinary collaboration and conversation by co-organizing “Creative Networks and Cultural Output, Contexts for Literary and Artistic Production,” a conference that will be held at Trinity College Dublin from June 19th to 20th, 2015.
According to the Call for Papers (final deadline January 31st!) the conference will include presentations about the impact of technological developments on literary and artistic output, creative and publishing clusters and networks, labour economics and the migration of creative people, the Digital Humanities, and several other related topics. It promises to be a fascinating event that at least one of the co-organizers of Arts & Econ will be attending.
When planning Genius for Sale! the co-organizers made a decision to subsidize tickets for graduate students. The grant asking for the funds for this subsidy stated: “At the beginning of their academic development, graduate students are well placed to integrate these methods and analytical frameworks into their work and consequently build their research leadership capacity.” Sara and Jane are proving this statement to be true. While the support of senior academics—like the conference’s keynote speaker William St Clair—is necessary to the success of this field of research, it will be a rising generation of young academics that lead the way.
Hope to see you in Dublin!
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